
Our mission is to help people everywhere easily discover, buy, and receive the best Korean products at reasonable prices. We vision ourselves as the ultimate match-maker between Korean sellers and global buyers, accelerating cross-border e-commerce from South Korea to your country.

Our Values


We use big data and machine learning approaches to select trendy Korean brands and products for global consumers.


We work with the best and brightest experts in e-commerce, technology, marketing, and logistics.


We make the complexities of logistics look simple, thanks to leading technology and creative problem-solving.


Kindness is at the core of Korean culture and we want to share that with you in our service.

Our Story

Justin and Jae are siblings who grew up in Busan, Korea with big dreams. The duo launches the optimal cross-border e-commerce platform, DK Shop, for international shoppers living outside of South Korea. Many global shoppers wish that they can find unique and authentic products and brands back at home. This motivated them to find a way to make Korean products accessible to the world easily, speedily, and affordably.